

A type whose values can be converted to and from a representation suitable for crossing a language boundary.


A function declaration with the @ffi attribute introduces a foreign function interface (FFI), an entity whose implementation is defined externally, typically in a different programming language. Because this other language may not understand the layout of Hylo types, some glue code has to be written to adapt the representations of values crossing the language boundary. Hylo uses conformances to ForeignConvertible to generate this code, requiring the parameters and return types of FFIs to be ForeignConvertible.

Types conforming to ForeignConvertible implement two methods for converting instances to and from their foreign representations. These methods are inverse of each other:

  • init(foreign_value:) creates an instance from its foreign representation.
  • foreign_value() returns the foreign representation of an instance.

Given a type T: ForeignConvertible, T.ForeignRepresentation is either a "crossing type" (i.e., a type whose instances are capable of crossing a language boundary) or another type conforming to ForeignConvertible. Either way, the foreign representation of T shall not refer to T. Crossing types currently include built-in numeric types and built-in pointers. Other types may be added to this list in the future.

Hylo generates two functions for every declaration annotated with @ffi. The first is the foreign function itself, whose declaration is only visible in compiled code. The second is a regular Hylo function that implements the above-mentioned glue code. Specifically:

  1. Arguments are converted to their foreign representations, from left to right.
  2. The foreign function is called.
  3. The result of the foreign function is converted to its Hylo representation.

Conversions are performed using the following algorithms. Note that specialized implementations of these algorithms are synthesized for each FFI. No tests or erasure are actually performed.

fun convert<T: ForeignConvertible>( from_hylo_value v: T ) -> Any { let w = v.foreign_value() if sink let w: any ForeignConvertible = v { return convert(from_hylo_value: w) } else { return v } } fun convert<T: ForeignConvertible>( from_foreign_value v: sink Any ) -> T { if T.ForeignRepresentation is ForeignConvertible { T.init(foreign_value: convert<T.ForeignRepresentation>(from_foreign_value: v)) } else { T.init(foreign_value: v as! T.ForeignRepresentation) } }

You should avoid using ForeignConvertible to implement long chains of conversions through intermediate foreign representations.



fun foreign_value() -> ???

Returns the foreign representation of this instance.


init(foreign_value: sink ???)

Creates a new instance from its foreign representation.